The most desirable employee benefits

Employee benefits

Top benefits include:

  • Private health insurance
  • Flexible hours
  • Flexible annual leave
  • Free food and drink
  • Training and development
  • Paying for professional subscriptions
  • A good working environment
  • Life insurance
  • Wellness packages

It’s a highly competitive marketplace for employers at the moment. Potential hires are increasingly enticed by employee benefits above and beyond pay.

Progressive companies like Airbnb continue to up their employee benefits package, offering staff $2000 (£1400) to travel and see the world. According to research, 60% of candidates say that benefits and perks are a major factor when considering a job offer. 

For employers, it’s not always easy to know which employee benefits are most valued. Fortunately, there is plenty of research available so you can improve your benefits offer. Whether you are a small business or large corporate, here is a round up of the most desirable employee benefits.

And to review our 2023 benefits for employees returning to the office - please click here.

Private health insurance is a top employee benefit

According to the Harvard Business Review, private health insurance is high on the list. 88% of people asked said that this would be a factor when considering  a job offer. Statutory sick pay isn't enough to live on for most people, so a benefit such as this can make a huge difference if an employee requires long term sick leave or needs extensive medical care.

It is, however, an expensive benefit for employers to provide - around  £4100 per employee per year, depending on exactly what is provided. If your organisation can afford it, consider it. Health insurance is expensive for employees to pay for privately, which is why it is so popular. In a cost of living crisis, the best benefits for employees are ones that can save them money! 

Flexible hours

Next on the list is flexible working. The ability to work from home, choose your own hours and have a better work-life balance is highly valued. This includes perks such as paid leave for those with caring responsibilities. Some people will take a lower paying job in exchange for the additional flexibility.

Technology means it’s now relatively simple for employers to work anywhere, with capabilities like remote system access and conference call facilities. Some multi million pound organisations may need to monitor remote working staff productivity. 

There are many software solutions that will tell you exactly how your employees are spending their day, or how much time they spend on calls.  This level of micro management may not be necessary for your business, so long as the job gets done on time. Do canvass your staff to evaluate all possible flexible working options.

Flexible annual leave

Another highly valued benefit is that of flexible annual leave. Netflix and LinkedIn have received lots of media coverage about the introduction of unlimited annual leave for staff. Flexible leave can also be extended sabbatical for longer term employees, or perks like an extra day off on your birthday.

The idea of unlimited annual leave might be scary but studies show that employees don't take the mickey as much as you think they might. Staff still have targets to hit or projects to complete so will typically take the same amount of time off that they always would. 

Free food and drink

A further favourite is giving out free fruit, tea and coffee in the office. People love the idea of being given something for free, and this is a continually popular perk.

Some companies go a step further and provide a full lunch or office canteen as benefits for employees. This is even better, especially in a world of flexible working, as many people consider coming into the office and buying lunch an extra expense they wouldn't have to pay for at home.

Training and development

In today's constantly changing world, it’s highly valuable for the employee to up skill, particularly as most skills are transferable.  It's a win-win situation as the employer gets a better-rounded team member.

As far as job benefits go, this is truly one that is positive for both employer and employee.

Paying for professional subscriptions

This is an employee benefit that is widely appreciated. £300-£400 pa, which is the norm for many professional bodies, is not too much for an employer, but can be a welcome addition to the overall compensation package for key team members.

This benefit for your employees shows that you care about their professional development and learning opportunities.

A good working environment

Nothing can take the place of a good working environment in the context of overall employee benefits. There is so much research to show that our working environment affects our productivity, such as the colour scheme, plants, and so forth, so why wouldn’t you do your best to provide this? Research suggests that staff want to be proud to show visitors where they work too.

A good working environment extends to company culture too! You can't put a price on job perks like a supportive manager, friendly team, or welcoming culture. Many types of employee benefits are intangible but that doesn't make them any less important.

Life insurance

Another popular benefit for some people, especially those with families. For the employer, it’s relatively inexpensive per capita and easy to administer. In most cases, policies offer either a set amount or a percentage of the employee's salary, payable upon death in a lump sum to their next of kin. As with most insurance policies, there are exclusions, such as suicide.

Similarly to health insurance, this is an employee benefit that saves staff money and so is always a well received perk. 

Wellness packagesGym facilities

If you don’t have the office space for an on-site gym, subsidised gym membership is a good alternative. It has the added advantage of helping your team to keep fit, which has a positive effect on mental health and productivity. So what might seem to be quite a costly perk can have some tangible benefits. Progressive companies continue to give more to their employees, so it's good to stay updated with current trends.

Wellness focused benefit packages could also include medical care like sports massages or dental, in-office yoga sessions, meditation classes, or counselling sessions. 


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