10 tips for protecting your organisation against cyber attacks

How to protect your small business from cloud security attacks

Small businesses need to take cybersecurity seriously and protect their digital assets from hackers if they want to stay afloat. It is important to know how to protect your small business from cloud security attacks but unfortunately, small business owners often lack the resources needed to keep their systems secure.

This can make them much more vulnerable to cyber threats than larger companies.

This is why it is extremely important for small business owners to be proactive about protecting themselves against these threats and following essential cybersecurity tips. 

Why is cloud security so important for small businesses?

Cyber security is particularly important for small businesses because of the amount of data and sensitive information that can be exposed to malicious attackers. Small business owners are often unaware of the risks presented by cyberattacks or cloud security attacks, leaving their company and customer data highly vulnerable.

Attackers look to exploit weaknesses in a system’s security, then use this access to gain control over an organisation’s networks and equipment, obtaining confidential information such as customer lists, credit card numbers, banking details and pricing structures.

Even if a business has invested in a quality antivirus software or firewall protection plan, absolute safety from cyber or security threats cannot be guaranteed. By recognizing the seriousness of these online threats and taking proactive steps to ensure cyber security strategies are in place, small businesses have a much better chance of avoiding serious attacks on their network.

What is the impact of cloud security attacks on small businesses?

The serious, life-altering consequences that a cloud security attack can have on small businesses are often overlooked due to their relatively small size. However, the devastating impacts can be just as damaging and costly for these companies.

Not only do they face potential financial losses from theft of banking information or disruption of services, but there are also expensive fees associated with removing any threats within your network.

If you fall victim to a cyberattack, there is a very real possibility that it could lead to the closure of your business - 60% of small businesses who become victims of an attack close their doors within six months after the breach.

In addition to direct financial costs, indirect costs such as reputation damage should also be taken into account when considering the effects of cyberattacks on small businesses. Even if your data remains safe and isn't released publicly, customers may still become aware of the attack and will no longer trust in your security assurances or systems.

Regaining customer trust can be an extremely difficult task, and require large investments in marketing, customer service solutions and more secure systems. The cost associated with this rebranding effort far exceed those from just addressing the breach itself.

Cloud security tips for small businesses

As a small business, you might feel helpless against cyberattacks. With the sheer number of threats that exist, it can feel like a daunting task to protect your business from attack. However, one of the most important steps you can take to protect yourself is to stay up-to-date on the latest cybersecurity ideas for businesses. There are simple and effective steps you can take that prevent attacks before they happen and ensure that your company isn’t exposed to unnecessary risks.

Below we've listed some best practice advice for you to follow. 

1. Train your employees

Employees can be a major source of vulnerability to cyber-attacks for any small business. Unfortunately, it’s reported that up to 70% of data breaches are due to employees who either maliciously or carelessly bypass security protocols.

Malicious users may attempt to open fraudulent emails which could install viruses on the business' network, or conversely, lose devices containing sensitive information which can leave networks wide open for exploitation. It is therefore essential for employers to invest in appropriate cybersecurity training in order to protect their businesses from these threats.

Cybersecurity training addresses several goals. Firstly, it provides the knowledge necessary for users to identify suspicious activity such as phishing attempts and other malicious programs. It also equips employees with responsibilities such as setting strong passwords, using multi-factor authentication, and knowing not to fall into social engineering traps that may come from fake profiles impersonating legitimate companies/people requesting information or fund transfers.

Additionally, staff should understand how their web browsing habits can make them vulnerable online and most importantly the procedures they must follow when a breach occurs within a company system. All these topics are essential for companies to prevent events that might have devastating consequences.

2. Carry out a risk assessment

Risk assessment is a vital part of any business’ cloud security strategy. It allows you to identify and examine potential threats so that appropriate steps can be taken to protect sensitive data or other assets.

To carry out an effective risk assessment, start by analysing the company's networks, systems, and information. Take note of where the data is stored and who has access to it, paying special attention to those who may desire that content yet aren't authorised to have it. Also, consider how a malicious actor may attempt to infiltrate your security protocols.

Once all possible risks and vulnerabilities have been identified, slide into action in order to mitigate them as much as possible. For example, if your organisation utilises cloud storage services, discuss with the provider the findings that are emerging from the risk assessment so that they can work together on securing the data stored there adequately.

Additionally, determine what level of impact would result from a potential breach or attack. This information serves as an important factor when deciding upon solutions for improving security across your digital platforms better equipped against such incidents.

3. Use antivirus software

Installing antivirus software is an essential part of maintaining basic digital security hygiene. By choosing powerful, reliable antivirus software that includes technologies such as virus scanning, malware prevention, and quarantine on-demand scans, users can protect their connected devices from potential attacks and malicious intrusions. Not only does antivirus software secure gadgets from malware, it also provides protection against other cyber threats such as ransomware and phishing scams.

When selecting the right antivirus program for your organisation or home network, there are several factors to consider. Aside from providing protection against numerous threats, a good program should have technology that helps clean infected machines and restore them back to their pre-infected state before the attack occurs.

It's important to stay up-to-date with any changes in the software or virus definitions by downloading new updates periodically to remain protected against the latest security threats. With diligent maintenance and implementation of proper cybersecurity measures, organisations can keep their connected systems safe from digital infections.

4. Keep your software updated

Business owners must always remain vigilant when it comes to protecting their network infrastructure. A major part of that protection is ensuring that all software used to run the business is running on the latest version. Vendors regularly update their software products to strengthen them and close security vulnerabilities, so it’s important to make sure all your systems have the newest available versions.

Software such as Wi-Fi router firmware will need to be manually updated by owners, and this step should not be overlooked even if there is no secondary update window for the device itself. Without having the latest security patches installed, routers and other connected devices can be vulnerable to attack either via the internet or directly from malicious actors.

Businesses should also remind users about downloading any available security updates for their apps, especially in the case of personal mobile devices being taken home from work. Employees who don't keep their phones and laptops up-to-date run a higher risk of spreading malware into corporate systems through infected apps or links shared via apps with out-of-date security features.

To protect themselves, employers may need to enforce policies that require employees to keep passwords and other online access data secure, as well as update their apps regularly if downloaded on work devices.

5. Regularly back up your files

Backing up your files regularly is an important safeguard to keep your business running efficiently. Regularly backing up your files helps protect against data threats like viruses and ransomware—which can be especially expensive if hackers hold data hostage until it's paid off. It also protects against data being lost or accidentally deleted, meaning you won't have to start from scratch resulting in time and money saved.

It’s important not to overlook the amount of data stored on laptops and mobile devices – without backups, many businesses wouldn’t function. Make sure you back up regularly - whether by hand, using a software package, or connecting external storage devices, the choice is yours – just make sure you do it!

Saving multiple copies of your data means that you can easily restore it in case something goes wrong so that you don't need to recreate anything from scratch. Don't wait until disaster strikes - backup now and make sure your business can go on running smoothly into the future.

6: Encrypt key information

Data security is an essential part of any business’s operations. Keeping customer and proprietary information safe from malicious actors is a major priority, especially when dealing with sensitive financial data such as credit cards and bank accounts. This is why securing information through encryption should be a cornerstone of any company’s security procedures.

Encryption works by turning readable data into codes that are unreadable to anyone unacquainted with the encryption key. In this way, even if hackers manage to steal the data they wouldn’t have access to it without the key which would keep your customers safe and protect you in case of an attack or breach. Furthermore, it’s one of the most efficient ways to guard against the widespread spreading of stolen data as it makes them unusable even if compromised.

It’s also important for fulfilling requirements set by different payment processors and merchant service providers who have rigorous standards for secure storage of sensitive data. By implementing effective encryption techniques businesses can protect their customers and guarantee better overall security.

7: Limit access to sensitive data

For businesses, limiting the access to sensitive data is an important security measure that should be implemented. It is essential to minimise the risk of a data breach, as well as preventing bad faith actors from having authorised access to confidential information. Companies should create a plan that outlines who has access to which levels of data so that roles and responsibilities are clear.

Limiting the number of people with access helps to ensure only those with necessary clearance are able to gain entry into crucial files and systems. Management should also take note of who is allowed to process customer and employee personal data, as well as business accounts or financial information in order to further mitigate any potential risks.

Each individual granted this kind of top-level access should also have frequent background checks conducted to monitor their activities and behaviour over time. Furthermore, regularly updated training courses can help educate staff members on the importance of protecting this sensitive data and how responsibility for software security falls within the company's overall security strategy.

By properly organising these processes, business owners can secure their valuable resources while still allowing employees quiet yet critical access where necessary.

8: Secure your Wi-Fi network

Securing your Wi-Fi network is an essential step when it comes to building a secure network infrastructure. If left unsecured, cybercriminals would be able to access information like credit card numbers and customer data without the business even being aware of the breach. For businesses that still use the WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) network, we strongly recommend that it be upgraded to WPA2 or later. This will ensure that any malicious attacks can't easily penetrate your system, helping you keep your sensitive data safe.

It's also important to always change the name of your Wi-Fi router or wireless access point – called Service Set Identifier (SSID) – so attackers can't guess what device you're using and attempt to breach it. Additionally, using a complex pre-shared key (PSK) passphrase will further strengthen security as this will make it much harder for any malicious actors to crack your system.

9: Ensure a strong password policy

Having a strong password policy is absolutely essential for any small business. Without robust and secure passwords, your organisation risks facing data loss, unauthorized access to confidential information, and increasing the opportunity for hackers and malicious attackers to gain access.

Strong passwords should be at least 15 characters in length, have a mix of upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols. Given that implementation can be difficult to enforce on employees' devices, setting up a policy requiring periodic password changes (at least quarterly) can help increase security.

In addition to requiring robust passwords from employees, organisations should also enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) on employee devices and apps as an additional measure of security. By doing this, businesses can add an extra layer of protection that requires users to confirm their identity through multiple methods – such as text messages or email.

While having strong passwords is important, MFA is another step toward better security and will help reduce the likelihood of malicious attacks or unauthorized access to company data.

10. Use a firewall

Firewalls are essential to have for any network or business. A firewall serves as an additional layer of security that blocks malicious content from entering the company’s network while allowing legitimate traffic. It accomplishes this through analysing incoming and outgoing data for suspicious files or behavior; if detected, the firewall will block the connection in order to protect against viruses, malware, and other cyberthreats.

Firewalls can also be configured so that outbound traffic is restricted as well, meaning sensitive data is properly secured at a business level. By restricting access to webpages or websites with high-risk vulnerabilities, corporate networks are further secured from external threats.

Along with providing protection from outside sources, firewalls can also be used to monitor internal activity as well. This adds another layer of protection against employees who may be inadvertently exposing your system by visiting certain websites or sending emails without first verifying its contents.

Firewalls will continuously analyse incoming and outgoing communication for potential threats, ensuring that the systems remain secure at all times. Utilising a firewall gives businesses the added peace of mind knowing residential clients are protected both inside and outside their network boundaries regardless of current antivirus software configuration or user behaviour.


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